Coleção Sendas & Veredas is a book collection created in 2000 in order to expand Brazilian research on Nietzsche. The collection operates in three distinct fronts: it aims at bringing to the public important works on Nietzsche’s philosophy, presenting essays on the reception of his ideas within various countries, and publishing texts of other thinkers with whom the German philosopher was in dialogue. Welcoming different interpretative approaches to Nietzsche’s thought, “without concession, exception, or bias,” Sendas & Veredas hopes to enliven new interpretive possibilities. Precisely the diversity constitutes its most valuable treasure.
Series Ensaios:
Known, above all, by philosophizing with a hammer, defying norms and smashing idols, Nietzsche, one of the most controversial thinkers of our time, left a contentious work, which remains central to the philosophical discussion. Within the context of Coleção Sendas & Veredas, the series Ensaios observes two basic guidelines: it aims at bringing to Brazilian public the most different interpretations of Nietzsche’s thought, so as to provide a forum of permanent debate, and hosting essays written by distinguished foreign researchers, as well as well-stablished scholars and Brazilian young researchers. In doing so it calls for a deepened dialogue between the different generations amongst Nietzsche’s studies.
Series Recepção:
Nietzsche’s writings have always given cause to various readings and multiple interpretations. Within the context of Coleção Sendas & Veredas, the series Recepção aims at stimulating the confluence and confrontation between the most varied approaches to Nietzsche’s works. Setting itself as an arena for the comparison of interpretations, it intends to present to the Brazilian public essays written by distinguished scholars and experienced researchers. Hosting distinct lines of interpretation of Nietzschean thought, it strives to promote a deep reflection on the singularity and specificity that mark Nietzsche’s reading in the most different countries.
Series Fontes
Within the context of Coleção Sendas & Veredas, the series Fontes aims at providing for the scholars the opportunity to open themselves to Nietzsche’s own cultural universe as well as to thinkers with whom he was in dialogue. Thereby it reestablishes the close relationship between philosophy and culture, which has never ceased to exist within his work.
Collection Editor
Scarlett Marton
Editorial Board
Antonio Marques (New University of Lisbon, Portugal), Diego Sánchez Meca (University of Madri – UNED, Spain), Ernildo Stein (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Germán Meléndez (Nacional University of Colombia, Colombia), Giuliano Campioni (University of Pisa, Italy), Gunther Abel (Technical University of Berlin, Germany), Luis Enrique de Santiago Guervós (University of Málaga, Spain), Mónica B. Cragnolini (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Paulo Eduardo Arantes (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Werner Stegmaier (University of Greifswald, Germany).